Promotionalistical Cards - All Sets - Various Years

Promotional cards are something of an American phenomenon. Very few International sets have promotional cards associated with them. Initially, promotional, or promo cards, were created to help card manufacturers advertise upcoming card sets. Promotional cards are given out free to card shops to distribute to their customers (although few shops do anymore), or they are issued in magazines, at conventions, or with other card sets. A promotional card is by definition a card that advertises a particular set of cards. This definition of promotional cards tends to become somewhat distorted however as cards are issued in other types of promotional campaigns unrelated to a card set. Cards are often distributed by companies to help sell their non-card products. These product-related cards will also be listed on this page, but under a separate heading from the true promo cards. Many collectors have begun to consider that their card sets are not complete if they don't also have all the promotional cards as well. For the average collector, finding all of the promotional cards for a set is unlikely, but it can be quite a challenge to try.
This page provides a listing of all known Star Wars promotional cards, and where they could originally be found. I am sure that I am missing many promotional Star Wars cards from this list. Any additional information you can contribute to this page would be very helpful. Cards are listed by set. Please note that CCG/TCG/Miniature promo cards are not included in these lists.
This page is still a bit incomplete, and scans will be made available as I am able. Special thanks to David Pipigras and David Rice for almost all of the information below, and to the many people who requested a special promo cards page.
$1 - $15
Find them on ebay, or trade for them in the Marketplace
Star Wars Galaxy Series One | ||
Card Number | Card Description | Where Originally Available |
Unnumbered | Princess Leia / Artist Checklist, Art of common card #126 | Non-Sports Update v4 / n2, Conventions |
Unnumbered | Stormtrooper on Dewback, Art of common card #136 | Conventions |
Unnumbered | Uncut Sheet of the Above Two Cards | Advance Comics #52 |
Unnumbered | Jabba and Salacious Crumb, Art of common card #104 | Non Sports Update v4 / n2, Starlog 191, Wizard #20 |
Unnumbered | 6/8" Sam Keith (Jabba) / Walt Simonson (Vader/Ben) | Previews 2/93 v2 / n3 & Heroes World Scoreboard 2/93 |
Unnumbered | 5/7" Jabba and Salacious Crumb/Lightsabers Sellsheet | Previews vol 3 #2 and Comics Scoreboard 2/93 magazines |
Unnumbered | Boba Fett and Dengar | Dark Horse Comics Classic Star Wars #8 |
Unnumbered | Truce at Bakura Cover Art | Waldenbooks Novel Promotion |
Unnumbered | Alternate Checklist Card (#140) | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
#0 | Darth Vader Box Art | Millenium Falcon Factory Set, Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
A | Darth Vader | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
B | C-3PO | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
C | R2-D2 | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
D | Snowtroopers | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
E | Yoda | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
F | Chewbacca | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
G | Luke Skywalker | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
H | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
I | Han Solo | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
J | Princess Leia | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
K | Emperor Palpatine | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
L | Ewoks | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
M | Boba Fett | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
N | Luke in Death Star Trench | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
O | Death Star II Sketch | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
P | Lando Calrissian | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
Q | Vader Poster Montage | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
R | Luke in X-Wing | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
S | Ackbar & Mon Calamari | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
T | Sand People | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
U | Emperor's Royal Guard | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
V | Gamorrean Guard | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
W | Bib Fortuna | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 | ||
X | Luke and Vader in Cave | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
Y | ESB Lunchbox Art | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
Z | Luke and Leia | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
AA | ESB Concept Poster | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
BB | 1977 Poster Concept | Just Toy's Bend-Em's |
Unnumbered | Evil Ewoks | Triton Magazine #3 |
Unnumbered | 5/7" Rancor / AT-ATs | Previews v4 / n2 |
Unnumbered | Tusken Raiders | Classic Star Wars Comics #20 |
#00 | Darth Vader on Bridge | Galaxy Series 2 Tin Factory set, Art of Star Wars Galaxy book, Bend-Ems Offer |
P1 | Rancor | Advance Comics 2/93 & Conventions |
P2 | Luke Builds Lightsaber | Non-Sports Update v5 / n2, Bend-Em's Offer |
P3 | Yodas | Most Destroyed, Ultra Rare, Not Available to the Public |
P4 | Jawa's and C-3PO | Star Wars Galaxy Series One Millenium Falcon Factory Set |
P5 | Chewbacca Playing Holochess | Cards Illustrated #6 |
P6 | Boba Fett | Hero Illustrated Magazine #12 |
SWB1 | Grand Moff Tarkin | Star Wars Galaxy Series One Binder |
Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 | ||
Unnumbered | Boba Fett | Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 Factory Set |
Unnumbered | 5x7" AT-ATs & Zorba's Revenge | Previews Magazine v5 / n9 |
#000 | Zorba's Revenge | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #4 |
P2 | Snowtroopers | Conventions |
P3 | Darth Vader on Hoth | Non-Sports Update v6 / n4 |
P4 | Luke in Dream State | Combo Magazine #7 |
P5 | Snowspeeders and AT-AT | Advance Comics #83 |
P6 | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #5 Cover | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #5 |
P7 | Leia with Twins | Wizard Magazine #52 |
P8 | Vader and Boba Fett | Cards Illustrated Magazine #25 |
Star Wars Widevision | ||
SWP0 | Luke, Han, Chewbacca | Star Wars Galaxy 2 Factory Set |
SWP1 | Stormtroopers Stop the Landspeeder | Non-Sports Update v5 / n6, Conventions, Up-n-Coming Dec 94, Just Toys Bend-Ems |
SWP2 | Interior Falcon Cockpit | Advance Comics #72 |
SWP3 | TIE Fighters in Death Star Trench | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #1 |
SWP4 | Exterior of Star Destroyer | Wizard Magazine #42 |
SWP5 | Darth Vader Choking Rebel | Tuff Stuff's Collect Magazine Jan. 95 |
SWP6 | Leia and C-3PO in Yavin Control Room | Cards Illustrated Magazine #14 |
#00 | Luke Outside X-Wing Fighter | Previews Magazine Oct. 94, Star Wars Widevision Binder |
Unnumbered | 5/7" Sell Sheet of Han Solo | Previews Magazine v4 / n10 |
K-01 | Darth Vader Choking Rebel | Kenner Classic 4-Pack |
K-02 | Luke in Millenium Falcon Gun Port | Kenner Classic 4-Pack |
K-03 | Interior Falcon Cockpit | Kenner Classic 4-Pack |
K-04 | Han Solo in Cantina | Kenner Classic 4-Pack |
Empire Strikes Back Widevision | ||
P1 | Vader Tortures Han Solo | Advance Comics #79, Conventions |
P2 | AT-AT Walkers | Non-Sports Update v6 / n4 |
P3 | Yoda Surprises Luke | Tuff Stuff's Collect Magazine 8/95, Cards Illustrated #20, Star Wars Galaxy Mail-in. |
P4 | Luke in Cloud City | Combo Magazine #7 |
P5 | Slave 1 | Conventions |
P6 | Closing Scene | Wizard Magazine #48 |
#0 | Vader in Meditation Chamber | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #3 |
Unnumbered | 5/7" of P1, P2, P3 | Previews Magazine v5 / n5 |
Return of the Jedi Widevision | ||
Unnumbered | 5/7" of Card #0 | Previews Magazine v5 / n11 |
P1 | Luke and Han in Jabba's Palace | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #5 |
P2 | Luke on Speeder Bike | Advance Comics #5 |
P3 | Han, Leia, Stormtroopers in Bunker | Non-Sports Update v7 / n11 |
P4 | Emperor in Throne Room | Cards Illustrated Magazine #25 |
P5 | Jabba and Bib Fortuna | Wizard Magazine #54 |
P6 | Luke, Han, Chewie in Jabba's Palace | Conventions |
#0 | Anakin, Yoda, and Ben Kenobi | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #6 |
Star Wars Widevision Special Edition | ||
P1 | Stormtroopers in Desert | San Diego ComiCon '96 |
P2 | Jabba Near Millenium Falcon | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #10 |
P3 | X-Wing Fighter Squadron | Wizard Magazine #65, Conventions |
P4 | Sandcrawler | Star Wars 3D-i Box-Topper |
P5 | Jawa | Star Wars 3D-i Box-Topper |
P6 | Millenium Falcon w/Stormtroopers | Star Wars 3D-i Box-Topper |
P7 | Landspeeder at Mos Eisley | Wizard Magazine Sci-Fi Special Edition |
P8 | Dancers in Jabba's Court | Combo Magazine #27 |
H1 | Millenium Falcon Escaping Mos Eisley | Kenner Toys Swoop Bike |
H2 | Massassi Ruins on Yavin IV | Kenner Toys Outrider |
H3 | Han Solo and Jabba the Hutt | Kenner Toys Snowspeeder and Slave 1 |
H4 | Droids in Front of Mon Calamari Ship | Kenner Toys Speeder Bike |
G1 | R2-D2 on X-Wing | Galoob MicroMachines Transforming Head Playset |
G2 | TIE Fighter Chasing X-Wing | Galoob MicroMachines Transforming Luke Binoculars, Vader's Lightsaber |
G3 | Luke in Landspeeder | Galoob Micro Machine Alpha series Imperial Shuttle, Snowspeeder |
G4 | Mos Eisley | Galoob Micro Machine Mini-Heads Action Set |
G5 | Jawa Riding Ronto | Galoob Micro Machine Alpha series AT-AT, X-Wing |
#0 | Laser Cut of TIE Fighter | Star Wars 20th Anniversary Magazine |
2M | Multi-Motion of Ronto | Star Wars 20th Anniversary Magazine |
Star Wars Widevision 3D-i | ||
3Di-1 | Vader on Death Star | SW Galaxy Magazine #9 / 1996 San Diego Comic-Con |
3Di-2 | Luke and Vader by Ralph McQuarrie | Dealer Exclusive |
Empire Strikes Back Widevision 3D-i (set never released) | ||
P1 | AT-ATs and Snowspeeders | Star Wars 20th Anniversary Magazine |
Return of the Jedi Widevision 3D-i (set never released) | ||
D III/0 | Admiral Ackbar on Bridge | RotJ Widevision Redemption card, conventions |
Star Wars Finest | ||
Unnumbered | Oversize Montage of Characters | Retailers Only |
Unnumbered | Refractor Version of Above Card | Retailers Only, very limited |
SWF1 | Boba Fett | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #6 |
SWF2 | Darth Vader | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #7 |
SWF3 | Luke on Tauntaun | Non-Sport Update v7 / n3, Sales Force |
Binder Card 1 | Han Solo and Chewbacca | Star Wars Finest Binder Only |
SWGM1 | Twin Pod Cloud Cars | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #1 |
SWGM2 | Imperial City on Coruscant | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #3 |
SWGM3 | AT-AT Walker | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #3 |
SWGM4 | Luke on Dagobah | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #4 |
Shadows of the Empire | ||
Unnumbered | Shadows Reservation Coupon | Packs of Star Wars Finest Cards |
Unnumbered | 6x8" Vader/Luke/Xizor Poster | San Diego ComiCon '96, Previews Magazine v6 / n7 |
SOTE1 | Prince Xizor | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #7 |
SOTE2 | Darth Vader | Advance Comics #93 |
SOTE3 | Luke Skywalker | Star Wars Finest Box, Sales Force |
SOTE4 | Dash Rendar | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #8 |
SOTE5 | Boba Fett | E3 Convention, QVC |
SOTE6 | Guri | Fan Magazine #18 |
SOTE7 | C-3PO and R2-D2 | Collect 11/96, San Diego ComicCon '96 |
Star Wars Dark Empire- Promotes Comic Books not Card Set | ||
DH1 | War Droids (Multiple variations of printing on the back of the card) | Star Wars: Dark Lords of the Sith #1 |
DH2 | Boba Fett | Classic Star Wars: Early Adventures #3 |
DH3 | Millenium Falcon | Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #1 |
SD1 | 4x6" Computer Blurred Darth Vader | San Diego ComicCon '94, only 7500 produced |
SD2 | 4/6" Computer Blurred Millenium Falcon | San Diego ComicCon '94, only 7500 produced |
Star Wars Mastervisions | ||
Unnumbered | Boba Fett and Bounty Hunters | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #2 |
Unnumbered | Jedi on Stone Steps | Star Wars Finest Redemption Only |
Unnumbered | Hildebrandts- Vader and Emperor | Shadows of the Empire Case Topper |
Unnumbered | Hildebrandts Autographed Card | Shadows of the Empire Redemption |
P2 | AT-ATs Attack | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #5 |
Topps Official Star Wars Caps | ||
#0-A | Droids | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #3 |
#0-B | Darth Vader | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #3 |
Galaxy Magazine Cards | ||
Unnumbered | 5x7"of the First Four SW Galaxy Magazine Covers | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #4 |
C1 | Cover Art from Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #8 | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #8 |
C2 | Cover Art from Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #9 | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #9 |
C3 | Cover Art from Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #10 | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #10 |
C4 | Cover Art from Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #11 | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #11 |
Star Wars Vehicles | ||
Unnumbered | Postcard Featuring B-Wing/Slave 1 | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #11 / Previews v7/n5 |
P1 | Vader, Bikers Scouts | 3200 Produced, Dealer Incentive |
P2 | Biker Scouts on Speeder Bikes | 1600 Produced, Dealer Incentive |
P1 | Refractor of P1 | 350 Produced |
P2 | Refractor of P2 | 175 Produced |
Chrome Archives | ||
P1 | Hate Me Luke, Destroy Me | Dealers |
P2 | Welcome Young Luke | Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #5 |
Episode 1 Widevision | ||
P1 | acing With Conviction | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #7 |
P2 | Sebulba's Deception | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #7 |
SW0 | Padme, Anakin, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan | Non-Sport Update Gummy Awards, only 1000 made. Very rare. |
SW1 | R2-D2 in Mos Espa | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #2 |
SW2 | Coruscant Cityscape | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #1 |
SW3 | Jedi Council Chamber | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #2 |
SW4 | Ric Olie | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #3 |
SW5 | Yellow Starfighters | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #3 |
SW6 | Panaka and R2-D2 | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #4 |
SW7 | Battle Droid and STAP in Swamp | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #4 |
SW8 | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #5 |
SW9 | Nuna Bird | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #6 |
OS-1 | Dueling with Darth Maul | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #8 |
OS-2 | A Time to Rejoice | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #8 |
H1 | Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi | Hallmark Trivia Cards 3- Pack |
H2 | bi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda | Hallmark Trivia Cards 3- Pack |
H3 | ui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi | Hallmark Trivia Cards 3- Pack |
0 | Strength in Numbers | Episode One Official Souvenir Magazine |
00 | All Bow to the Boss | Episode One Official Souvenir Magazine |
000 | The Battle Droids | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #6 |
Episode 1 Widevision 3D-i | ||
P1 | Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi | Star Wars Galaxy Collector #8, Non-Sport Update |
Star Wars Evolution | ||
P1 | Obi-Wan Kenobi w/Young Obi-Wan | Magazines, General Distribution |
P2 | Obi-Wan Kenobi w/Older Obi-Wan | Magazines, General Distribution |
P3 | Nien Numb | Alphacon 2001 (limited to 5000 copies) |
P4 | Young and Teen Anakin, Darth Vader | 2001 Conventions |
Attack of the Clones Series 1 | ||
P1 | Montage | Diamond Previews & Non-Sport Update Magazine |
P2 | Montage | Available through dealers & retailers |
P3 | Anakin and Clone Troopers | Available through dealers & retailers |
P4 | Jango Fett and Clones | Star Wars Insider #60 & Star Wars Gamer #10 |
P5 | Douku, Sidious, Jango | Wizard Magazine #129, and Wizard World East |
P6 | Anakin, Padme, Obi-Wan | Star Wars Celebration II |
Attack of the Clones Widevision | ||
P1 | Spider Droid | Various Magazines/Dealers |
S1 | Spider Droid | UK Promo – Front Same as US P1 |
W1 | In Love and War | w/DVD pre-order |
W2 | R2-D2 to the Rescue | w/DVD pre-order |
W3 | Jedi vs. Battle Droids | w/DVD pre-order |
W4 | Saved by Clone Troopers | w/DVD pre-order |
W5 | Yoda Prepares for Battle | w/DVD pre-order |
Clone Wars | ||
P1 | Begun the Clone Wars Have | Mass Market Promo |
P2 | Begun the Clone Wars Have | Retailer Promo |
P3 | Begun the Clone Wars Have | Exclusive |
Star Wars Heritage | ||
P1 | The Phantom Menace | Star Wars Insider #78 |
P2 | Attack of the Clones | |
P3 | Revenge of the Sith | 2004 San Diego Comic-Con |
P4 | A New Hope | Non-Sport Update magazine, Oct-Nov. 2003 issue |
P5 | The Empire Strikes Back | Diamond Previews catalog, July issue |
P6 | Return of the Jedi | GamePro magazine, Nov. issue |
L1 | FYE Stores Promoting Original Trilogy DVD Release Fall 2006 | |
L2 | FYE Stores Promoting Original Trilogy DVD Release Fall 2006 | |
L3 | FYE Stores Promoting Original Trilogy DVD Release Fall 2006 | |
L4 | FYE Stores Promoting Original Trilogy DVD Release Fall 2006 | |
L5 | FYE Stores Promoting Original Trilogy DVD Release Fall 2006 | |
L6 | FYE Stores Promoting Original Trilogy DVD Release Fall 2006 | |
L7 | FYE Stores Promoting Original Trilogy DVD Release Fall 2006 | |
Revenge of the Sith | ||
P1 | Anakin Fighting Count Douku | Diamond Previews |
P2 | Anakin Skywalker | Non-Sport Update, Retailers |
P3 | Jedi Masters | |
P4 | General Grievous | Star Wars Celebration III |
P5 | Chewbacca | Wizard Magazine #163 |
Revenge of the Sith Widevision | ||
P1 | Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. General Grievous | Hobby, 2005 San Diego Comic-Con |
P2 | Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Anakin Skywalker | Retail, 2005 San Diego Comic-Con |
Star Wars Evolution Update | ||
P1 | Obi-Wan Kenobi | General Distribution, Hobby |
P2 | Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader | General Distribution, Retail |
Star Wars Trilogy II Lego Cards | ||
Unnumbered | Title/Cover Card | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
1 | Leia C-Solo | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
2 | Boba Skysolo | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
3 | Chewbacca w/Stormtrooper Helmet | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
4 | Darth Princess Skywalker | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
5 | Darth Solo | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
6 | Grand Moff Yoda | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
7 | Greedo Solo | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
8 | Han 3-PO | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
9 | Leia Sky Fett | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
10 | Palpatine Slave Trooper | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
11 | Princess Darth Solo | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
12 | Princess Storm Solo | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
13 | Princess Trooper | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
14 | Storm 3-PO | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
15 | Tusken Yoda | FYE Stores 2006, promotes video game |
Star Wars 30th Anniversary | ||
P1 | Darth Vader Entering Tantive IV | Previews Magazine/Celebration 4 |
P2 | Luke Skywalker Piloting X-Wing | Non-Sport Update August-September 2007 Issue/Celebration 4 |
P3 | Darth Vader Choking a Rebel | Celebration 4 Exclusive |
Dark Horse Promotional Signing Cards | ||
1997 Dark Force Rising | Cover of Dark Horse’s Dark Force Rising #1 | |
1998 Crimson Empire | Cover of Dark Horse’s Crimson Empire #1 | |
1998 Last Command | Cover of Dark Horse’s Last Command #1 | |
1998 Mara Jade | Cover of Dark Horse’s Mara Jade #1 | |
1999 Crimson Empire II | Cover of Dark Horse’s Crimson Empire II #1 | |
1999 Episode I | Cover of Dark Horse’s Episode I #1 | |
1999 Star Wars Manga | Cover of Dark Horse’s Return of the Jedi Manga #1 | |
1999 Star Wars Tales | Cover of Dark Horse’s Star Wars Tales #1 | |
1999 Vader’s Quest | Cover of Dark Horse’s Vader’s Quest #1 | |
2000 Darth Maul | Cover of Dark Horse’s Darth Maul #1 | |
2000 Jedi Council: Acts of War | Cover of Dark Horse’s Jedi Council: Acts of War #4 | |
2000 Underworld | Cover of Dark Horse’s Underworld #1 (very limited) | |
2000 “Submit to the Dark Side of the Horse” | Vertical promo card with Graphic Novel Timeline | |
2001 Star Wars Infinities | Cover of Dark Horse’s Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope #1 Numbered INFNH1 | |
2001 Jedi vs. Sith | Cover of the Dark Horse’s Jedi vs. Sith #1 Numbered SWJVS1 | |
2001 Star Wars Tales #9 | Cover of Dark Horse’s Star Wars Tales #9 Numbered TALES9 | |
Empire Strikes Back Infinities | San Diego Comic-Con | |
Twilight | San Diego Comic-Con | |
Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire | A mystic-like figure dangles puppets over a small fire | |
C-3P0: Protocol Offensive | Only available at the San Diego Comic-Con | |
X-Wing Rogue Squadron Maze | Front has a maze, back has Rogue Squadron issue list | |
Misc. Star Wars Promo Cards | ||
2002 Energizer Unnumbered | NH Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader | Multi-motion card- promotes batteries |
2002 Energizer Unnumbered | PM Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul | Multi-motion card- promotes batteries |
2002 Energizer Unnumbered | otC Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Count Douku | Multi-motion card- promotes batteries |
2005 Energizer Unnumbered | otS Yoda | Sticker card, promotes batteries |
2005 Energizer Unnumbered | RotS Darth Vader | Sticker card, promotes batteries |
2005 Energizer Unnumbered | RotS General Grievous | Sticker card, promotes batteries |
2005 Energizer Unnumbered | RotS Obi-Wan vs Anakin duel | Sticker card, promotes batteries |
2000 Wal-Mart Episode One | Deleted Scene- Complete Podrace Opening | Wal-Mart Episode 1 DVD Release |
2000 Wal-Mart Episode One | Deleted Scene- Podrace Lap Two | Wal-Mart Episode 1 DVD Release |
2000 Wal-Mart Episode One | Deleted Scene- Complete Waterfall Sequence | Wal-Mart Episode 1 DVD Release |
2000 Wal-Mart Episode One | Deleted Scene- Complete Air Taxi Sequence | Wal-Mart Episode 1 DVD Release |
2005 Mello Smello/Vividvision | Lenticular Vader/VividVision Card | 2005 San Diego Comic-Con |
1995 Unnumbered | Large Black and White Falcon auto. card | 1995 San Diego Comic-Con |
2005 Wal-Mart Unnumbered | A New Hope Sticker | Star Wars Trilogy DVD Release |
2005 Wal-Mart Unnumbered | Empire Strikes Back Sticker | Star Wars Trilogy DVD Release |
2005 Wal-Mart Unnumbered | Return of the Jedi Sticker | Star Wars Trilogy DVD Release |
2005 Wal-Mart | Feel the Force- Darth Vader | Revenge of the Sith DVD Release |
2005 Wal-Mart | Feel the Force- Yoda | Revenge of the Sith DVD Release |
4G2 | Boba Fett and Slave 1 | 2003 San Diego Comic-Con |
Unnumbered | Jango Fett 4/6” card | 2003 San Diego Comic-Con |
Unnumbered | Yoda 4/6” card | 2003 San Diego Comic-Con |
Unnumbered | Clone Troopers 4/6” card | 2003 San Diego Comic-Con |
Unnumbered | Asajj Ventress 4/6” card | 2003 San Diego Comic-Con |
2002 Curad Bandages Boxes | Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme | Lenticular card, promotes band-aids |
2002 Curad Bandages Boxes | Yoda and Luke | Lenticular card, promotes band-aids |
2002 Curad Bandages Boxes | Douku, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Emperor | Lenticular card, promotes band-aids |
2002 Curad Bandages Boxes | Jango Fett and Clone Troopers | Lenticular card, promotes band-aids |
Cingular Wireless | Darth Vader Comic-Con 2005 | 2005 San Diego Comic-Con |
Official Pix | Yoda | 2006 San Diego Comic-Con |
Sandaworld | Collage Painting Card- Promotes website | 2006 San Diego Comic-Con |
2007 History Channel Legacy Revealed | Lenticular Sword/Lightsaber | Star Wars Celebration 4, promotes the History Channel show |
2007 History Channel Legacy Revealed | Lenticular Fighter Plane/X-Wing | Star Wars Celebration 4, promotes the History Channel show |
2007 History Channel Legacy Revealed | Lenticular Soldier/Stormtrooper | Star Wars Celebration 4, promotes the History Channel show |
2007 History Channel Legacy Revealed | Lenticular Religious Statue/Yoda | Star Wars Celebration 4, promotes the History Channel show |
2007 Mello Smello/Vividvision | Lenticular Darth Maul | Star Wars Celebration 4 |
2007 Mello Smello/Vividvision | Lenticular Slave Leia | Star Wars Celebration 4 |
Gentle Giant Ltd. | Elvis Trooper | Star Wars Celebration 4 |
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