Topps - US - Countdown to Solo (2018)

Released just prior to the theatrical release of Solo, this set was only available online with a new card released daily, this set was a bit pricey, but the limited printing made it a true card collecting rarity.
Special thanks to Darth Ozzer for his help with this list.
Card Values
• set value: ??
Find them on ebay, or trade for them in the Marketplace
Base Cards (Card Count) | |
01 | Han Solo & The Millenium Falcon (536) |
02 | Lando Calrissian Plays The Game (281) |
03 | Moloch & Stormtroopers (223) |
04 | Beckett & Val in the Trenches (257) |
05 | Dryden Vos Makes A Point (249) |
06 | Beckett and Solo on the Battlefield (291) |
07 | Lando and Han on Kessel(293) |
08 | Val Under Cover (244) |
09 | Qi'Ra and Dryden Vos (266) |
10 | Han and Beckett Confer (211) |
11 | Beckett & Chewbacca On The Falcon (247) |
12 | Everyone's in on the game (231) |
13 | Guards At The Door (239) |
14 | Argus "Six-Eyes" Panox (243) |
15 | Han Interrogated by Troopers (234) |
16 | Beckett In The Snow (239) |
17 | In The Den of the White Worms (241) |
18 | At The Kessel Spice Mines (236) |
19 | Qi'Ra and the Capes (302) |
20 | Mining Droids in the Control Room (238) |
21 | Quay Tolshite (277) |
22 | At Dryden Vos' Party (249) |
23 | Chewbacca At The Controls (312) |
24 | Stormtroopers on Corellia (252) |
25 | Han On The Millennium Falcon (303) |
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