Ravensburger Games - Germany - Card Game and Pogs (2002)

I don't know a great deal about these pogs. They were produced in Germany by a gaming company called Ravensburger. Unlike normal pogs, these are not round, but slightly oval in shape. Each pog is numbered starting at 0-0-0 and going up to 4-4-4. Pog fronts contain a scene and the pog number. Pog backs are covered in blue text that says Ravensburger over and over again.
If you have additional information, please contact me.
Card Values
· set value: $5-10
· single: $1-2
Card Number | Description |
0-0-0 | Queen's Ship above Coruscant |
1-1-1 | Clone Troopers |
2-2-2 | Slave I in Asteroid Field |
3-3-3 | The Senate |
4-4-4 | Count Dooku |
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