Mainland Cheese – New Zealand – Promo Cards (2002)

Distributed by Mainland foods in New Zealand, this set of 18 cards could be collected through a mail-away offer. Small tokens were issued on a variety of cheese and dairy products. Collectors could save the tokens and mail them in to the company in exchange for packets of the trading cards. This is a set of 18 cards. A more complete description will be posted shortly.
Card Values
· set value: $15-20
· token: $0.50 - $1
· single: $1-2
Card Number | Description |
1 | Padmé Amidala |
2 | Jango Fett |
3 | Anakin Skywalker |
4 | C-3P0 |
5 | R2-D2 |
6 | Zam Wesell |
7 | Mace Windu |
8 | Count Dooku |
9 | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
10 | Super Battle Droid |
11 | Yoda |
12 | Clone Trooper |
13 | Kit Fisto |
14 | Supreme Chancellor Palpatine |
15 | Luminara Unduli |
16 | Shaak Ti |
17 | Geonosian |
18 | Ki-Adi-Mundi |
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