Doggis Foods - Chile - Promo Stickers (2002)

I have very limited information on this set. Thanks to David Polis for providing information on the set. Additional thanks to Andres Herrera for correcting some of the information. These stickers were issued in Chile as part of a promotion in Chile for a hot dog product called Doggis. It is not known how many stickers are in the set. There are at least the four shown below. The stickers are over-sized at about 3 inches by 4 inches. If you have more information on this set, please contact me. Doggis is a chain of restaurants in Chile.
Card Number | Description |
no number | Anakin |
no number | Count Dooku |
no number | Mace Windu |
no number | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
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