Meiji Chips - Japan - Promotional Cards (1999)

Meiji is a food company in Japan. They produce both chips and candies. For the release of Episode One, Meiji issued a set of trading cards as a premium in specially marked bags of chips. A total set of 30 cards could be collected. Chip bags were large and highly decorated. Bags had a black background with the familiar red-burst logo for Star Wars Episode One as well as a character montage. A yellow sun-burst advertised that the bag contained a collectible Star Wars Character Card, and that there were 30 to collect. Cards were protected inside the bags in a foil wrapper.
Cards were divided into three categories, Good Guys (blue backgrounds), Bad Guys (red backgrounds) and Droids (yellow backgrounds). Each card measures 3 1/2 inches by 2 inches. The front of the card has the character's picture in a scene from the film, their name in English and Japanese text, and the Star Wars Episode One logo. Card backs contain a photo of the character, the card number, and descriptive text (in Japanese characters). Cards are made of a thin plastic, and seem very durable.
This is a fun set of cards. I have provided a partial checklist below. Any assistance in completing the checklist would be greatly appreciated.
A big thank you to Sakai Hideyasu for the information provided here and to Bob Rankin for assistance with the scans and partially completing the checklist.
Card Number | Description |
01 | Anakin Skywalker |
02 | Qui-Gon Jinn |
03 | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
04 | Queen Amidala |
05 | Padme Naberrie |
06 | Jar Jar Binks |
07 | Darth Maul |
08 | Darth Sidious |
09 | Shmi Skywalker |
10 | Boss Nass |
11 | R2-D2 |
12 | C-3P0 |
13 | Battle Droid |
14 | Destroyer Droid |
15 | Pit Droid |
16 | Sebulba |
17 | Senator Palpatine |
18 | Captain Panaka |
19 | Unknown |
20 | Nute Gunray |
21 | Rune Haako |
22 | Watto |
23 | Mace Windu |
24 | Yoda |
25 | Jabba |
26 | Kitster |
27 | Sio Bibble |
28 | Ki-Adi-Mundi |
29 | Gasgano |
30 | Wald |
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