Lider - Chile - Episode One Lider Cards (1999)


Well, I'm sure someone, somewhere will jump in with more detailed information than what I am about to provide, but what I have, will have to do for now.

Lider is a food product in Chile. I'm not sure what sort of product. In 1999, Lider issued a set of product promotional cards in connection with Episode One.

Card fronts include an interesting offset variation to the red starburst pattern associated with most Episode One products, the brand name Lider, and a "Star Wars Episode I" logo, along with a description of the character or ship shown. Cards 19 through 30, omit the character/ship name, and predominantly show movie scenes.

Card backs included a smaller version of the picture shown on the front of the card, the name Lider again, as well as logos for Pepsi, Nestle, Skip, and Hasbro. A brief description of the scene or character shown on the front is provided. All text is in Spanish.

Card Values
·  set value: $30
·  single: $1

Find them on eBay, or trade for them in the Marketplace
Card NumberDescription
1Anakin Skywalker
2Obi Wan Kenobi
3Qui Gon Jinn
4Reina Amidala
5Jar Jar
8Darth Maul
9Battle Droid
12Battle Droid
13Anakin Skywalker
14Darth Maul
15Reina Amidala
16Obi Wan Kenobi
17Jar Jar
18Balla Espacial
20Podrace Scene
21Anakin's Podracer
22Trade Federation Starfighter
23Qui Gon duels Darth Maul
24Naboo Fighter
25Obi Wan and Qui Gon
26Final Duel
27Royal Starship
28Darth Maul
293 Jedi
30Anakin and Shmi