Caltex - South Africa - Gas Station Cards/Stickers (1999)

Caltex is the name of a chain of gas stations in South Africa. During Episode One, visitors to these stations could receive either a card, or a sticker with purchase.
There are four Caltex cards. Each card is slightly smaller than a standard trading card, and is printed on a hard plastic (thicker than a credit card). Cards prominently feature the Caltex and Star Mart logos. Cards are not numbered, and do not appear to promote any particular product beyond Caltex itself.
In addition to the four cards, there were eight (8) different stickers that collectors could receive. Stickers were larger than the cards (somewhat over-sized) and came on a roll that was kept behind the counter. Because these were originally on a roll, finding stickers in good condition may be difficult.
In general, the Caltex cards and stickers are not easy to locate and are an item for die-hard collectors only. A small quantity were briefly available through Cards, Inc.
Card Number | Description |
no number | R2-D2 Card |
no number | Anakin Card |
no number | C-3P0 Card |
no number | Darth Maul Card |
Stickers | |
no number | Amidala Sticker |
no number | Anakin Sticker |
no number | Artoo Sticker |
no number | C-3P0 Sticker |
no number | Jar Jar Sticker |
no number | Darth Maul Sticker |
no number | Obi-Wan Sticker |
no number | Qui-Gon Jinn Sticker |
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