Concept Confections - New Zealand - SW Postacards (1997)

I would like to thank James Howell of Auckland New Zealand for providing most of the information for this page. I would also like to thank Anne-Marie of Confection Concepts International. for supplying information previously missing, as well as the staff of the Confection Concepts website.
Issued by a company called Confection Concepts International in New Zealand, this set was distributed with chocolate bars. Each chocolate bar had a card, with a set consisting of either 50 cards or 45 cards. Two sets of cards were issued, one for Star Wars (50), and one for Empire Strikes Back (45). A card set has not been issued for Return of the Jedi, although one was originally planned. These cards were only distributed in New Zealand.
Confection Concepts appears to no longer be in business. Shortly after the release of the ESB set, the company's website stopped being updated. A short time after that, it was no longer possible to contact anyone at the company.
Card Values
· set value: $150-200
· unopened box: $75
· single: $2-4
· wrapper: $1
Card Number | Description |
1 | Luke's landspeeder on the plains of Tatooine no image |
2 | Vader enters the blockade runner |
3 | Leia gives Death Star plans to R2 |
4 | Vader 'chats' with Leia |
5 | Jawas with R2 |
6 | The jawa's sandcrawler |
7 | Luke inspects the droids for sale |
8 | Artoo with C-3P0 |
9 | Luke plays with model skyhopper |
10 | R2-D2 is found by Luke and C-3P0 in a rock canyon |
11 | Sandtrooper riding a Dewback |
12 | Sandtroopers scan the Tatooine desert |
13 | Threepio "I don't think I can make it . You go on, Master Luke. There's no sense in you risking yourself on my account. I'm done for." |
14 | The recorded image of the beautiful Rebel Princess Leia is projected from Artoo's face. |
15 | Imperial Sandtrooper with probe droid |
16 | Overlooking Mos Eisley spaceport |
17 | Luke's landspeeder approaches Mos Eisley |
18 | Luke, Ben, R2-D2 and C-3P0 arrive at Mos Eisley |
19 | The main street of Mos Eisley |
20 | Luke's landspeeder is stopped by Sandtroopers |
21 | R2 and C-3P0 watch as Sandtroopers question locals |
22 | A swoop startles a Ronto |
23 | ASP droid on front of Rebel transport |
24 | Patrons inside a cantina at Mos Eisley |
25 | Ben and Luke talk to Han |
26 | Docking Bay 94 |
27 | Jabba confronts Han Solo |
28 | Interior of the Falcon's cockpit |
29 | Princess Leia watches the destruction of Alderaan |
30 | Obi-Wan feels a disturbance in the force |
31 | Luke in Stormtrooper disguise |
32 | Princess Leia in her cell |
33 | R2-D2 and C-3P0 aboard the blockade runner |
34 | Han and Luke scan the garbage room of the Death Star for a way out |
35 | Princess Leia returns laserfire to the stormtroopers as Luke works with a thin nylon cable from his trooper utility belt. |
36 | Luke, Han, Chewbacca and Leia in a hallway outside the Death Star garbage room. |
37 | Luke, Han and Leia in a hallway |
38 | In the hallway of the Death Star ... Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi continue their powerful lightsaber duel. |
39 | "The Force is what gives the Jedi his power. . ." |
40 | Han Solo and Chewbacca fend off stormtroopers |
41 | Yavin Sentry |
42 | R2 is hoisted into Luke's X-Wing |
43 | Luke and R2 head into battle |
44 | Princess Leia listens to the battle |
45 | X-Wing fighters fly in formation past Yavin |
46 | Rebel X-wing fighter and Imperial TIE fighter in the shadow of the Death Star. |
47 | Darth Vader is escorted by two Imperial TIE fighters. |
48 | X-Wing fleet in space |
49 | Rebel awards ceremony |
50 | Princess Leia presents the awards |
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