Nellba - Sweden - Stjarnos Krig Cards (1983)

These two separate card sets were issued in Sweden, and are among the more difficult international vintage sets to complete, especially if you attempt to collect all variations available. I would like to thank Bert-Olof Lundin for providing much of the information on these card sets and Bror Hellman for helping to update and correct information to make this page more complete.
There are two sets of the Stjärnornas Krig Swedish Star Wars cards. The first set of cards are numbered 201-278. The second set of cards are numbered 301-326. It is not known why the cards are numbered in this way, as the numbering scheme does not appear to fit in with other cards issued in Sweden in the same time period. Cards came packaged in a blue wrapper with a small cut-out "window" on the front that allowed you to not only see part of the first card in the pack, but to actually touch the card as well. It is very unusual to find a sealed pack of cards for collecting. The first set of cards was issued with two variations. Cards either have descriptive text, describing the characters shown on the card, or they have the words "Stjärnornas Krig" (The Stars War) in the place where the descriptive text would be. This variation makes it possible for a collector to complete three separate sets of Swedish Star Wars cards; a set numbered 201-278 with all cards labeled Stjarnornas Krig, a set numbered 201-278 with all cards having a descriptive label, and a set of cards numbered 301-326. It is very difficult to complete a set of the cards numbered 201-278 where all of the cards have descriptive text rather than the Stjarnornas Krig labeling. The second set of Star Wars cards was not issued with variations, and all cards only come as labeled in the checklist below. A small number of Star Wars cards are numbered outside the numbers shown above, as they were apparently included in with card sets that were not Star Wars cards. There are a total of 6 cards with Star Wars themes found in other sets. They are now shown on the checklist with thanks to Bror Hellman. It should be noted that there are 2 cards numbered 78 with unique images. It is possible these were included in different non-Star Wars sets.
These cards were manufactured by a card company called Nellba AB (AB is Swedish for 'company' similar to LTD or INC). The company was founded in 1960 and went bankrupt in 1985. It is reportedly the largest trading card manufacturer in Sweden during this time.
The card descriptions below are those from the actual cards. Explanations, where needed, have been placed in parenthesis. All cards were numbered on the card front along one edge, with the card description following the number. Original spelling and punctuation has been used in this list, however some accent marks are not indicated due to the limitations of my HTML editor. Cards show images from all three Star Wars movies, and do not follow in plot sequence. Some cards contain the abbreviation "m.fl." which stands for med flera (with others in Swedish). Cards 201-278 also had a second variation possibility in that the cards came both with and whithout the "TM c Lucas Film 1983 Arr." on top. Thanks to MVH Marcus for this information. All of the cards that are numbered 301-326 have "eno (c)opyright notice on the front, and the following text on the back: "TM & (C) Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Nellba Authorized User. Stja¨rnornas Krig TM".
In addition to the Stjarnos Krig trading cards, a second set of cards were issued under the name Uranium cards. I do not have a description of this set at this time. One will be provided as soon as possible.
A huge thank you goes out to Krister Nielsen who provided many of the scans for this section. It is the generosity of collectors like Krister that help make this site what it is.
Card Number | Description |
31 | Luke and C-3P0 |
77 | Chewbacca |
78 | C-3P0 and R2-D2 |
78 | Chewie, Luke, Obi-Wan and Han |
113 | C-3P0, Luke and Obi-Wan |
125 | C-3P0, Leia and 2 other characters |
201 | AS T-5 (probe droid) |
202 | Luke Skywalker |
203 | Klaatu, Boba Fett |
204 | Emperor |
205 | Stormtrooper |
206 | Yoda, Luke Skywalker |
207 | C-3P0, Ewoks |
208 | Luke Skywalker |
209 | Luke Skywalker (Cloud City) |
210 | Darth Vader, Stormtrooper |
211 | R2-D2, C-3P0 |
212 | Darth Vader (with Fett on Cloud City) |
213 | R2-D2, Wicket W Warrick |
214 | C-3P0, Luke Skywalker |
215 | Stjarnornas Krig (Cantina Aliens) |
216 | Prinsessan Leia |
217 | Ben Kenobi |
218 | Stjarnornas Krig (Interior of Falcon cockpit) |
219 | Boba Fett |
220 | Stjarnornas Krig (Falcon cockpit - ESB) |
221 | Darth Vader |
222 | Luke Skywalker (on Taun Taun) |
223 | Stjarnornas krig (Star Destroyer) |
224 | Darth Vader (Cloud City) |
225 | Darth Vader m.fl. (addressing the bounty hunters) |
226 | C-3P0, Han Solo, Leia |
227 | Stjarnornas krig (Leia, Vader and Tarkin) |
228 | Stjarnornas Krig (awards ceremony) |
229 | Luke Skywalker (on Tatooine) |
230 | Darth Vader (dueling Ben) |
231 | Han Solo |
232 | Stjarnornas krig (Star Destroyer) |
233 | Chewbacca samt Han Solo |
234 | Luke Skywalker (in landspeeder) |
235 | Luke, Leia och Han Solo |
236 | C-3P0 m.fl. (running to the Falcon - ESB) |
237 | Leia och R2-D2 |
238 | Stormtrooper (Snowtrooper) |
239 | AT-AT |
240 | C-3P0 |
241 | Luke Skywalker |
242 | Han Solo (sketch) |
243 | Admiral Ackbar (sketch) |
244 | Han Solo (actually a sketch of Lando in skiff gear!) |
245 | Klattuu (sketch) |
246 | Prinsessan Leia (sketch in Boussh gear) |
247 | Skiff (sketch) |
248 | Admiral Ackbar |
249 | Paploo (sketch) |
250 | Baby Ewoks (sketch) |
251 | Stjarnornas Krig (cast promotional photo on Hoth) |
252 | Jawa |
253 | Sy Snootle (sketch) |
254 | Emperors guard (sketch) |
255 | Wicket W Warrick (sketch) |
256 | Biker Scout (sketch) |
257 | Wicket W Warrick |
258 | Emperors guard |
259 | AT-ST (sketch) |
260 | Shuttle Tydirium (sketch) |
261 | C-3P0 |
262 | Stjarnornas krig (description needed) |
263 | Yoda, The Jedi Master |
264 | C-3P0, R2-D2 (on Endor) |
265 | C-3P0, Prinsessan Leia |
266 | Stjarnornas Krig (description needed) |
267 | Prinsessan Leia |
268 | The Emperor (sketch) |
269 | Lando Calrissian m.fl. (actually Han, Chewie and Leia at the rebel briefing) |
270 | The Sail Barge (sketch) |
271 | Lando Calrissian |
272 | Leia och Luke |
273 | Luke Skywalker, Han Solo |
274 | Luke Skywalker (sketch) |
275 | R2-D2 samt C-3P0 |
276 | Jabba the Hutt (sketch) |
277 | Gamorrean Guard (sketch) |
278 | Bib Fortuna (sketch) |
Second Set | |
301 | Stjarnornas Krig (Falcon) |
302 | Sy Snootles |
303 | Han Solo |
304 | Stjarnornas Krig (B-Wing) |
305 | Stjarnornas Krig ( Endor) |
306 | Bib Fortuna |
307 | Luke, Leia, Han Solo |
308 | Prinsessan Leia (in Slave attire) |
309 | Gamorrean Guard |
310 | Jabba The Hutt |
311 | C-3P0 |
312 | Lando Calrissian |
313 | The Sail Barge |
314 | Sy Snootles |
315 | C-3P0 |
316 | Lando Calrissian |
317 | The Skiff |
318 | Baby Ewok |
319 | Paploo |
320 | Luke Skywalker |
321 | Wicket W Warrick |
322 | Rancor |
323 | Mon Calamari |
324 | Ewok |
325 | Ewok (Chief Chirpa) |
326 | Ewoks |
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