Lyon's Maid - UK - Empire Strikes Back Stickers (1980)

I have little information about this product. Essentially, what information I have comes from Tomart's Price Guide to Star Wars Collectibles. Lyons Maid made an ESB Ice Lolly which apparently included a sticker or a transfer under a coat of wax. Any assistance in gathering additional information about this product would be appreciated. Please use the e-mail link at the top of this page to contact me.
Card Values
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi! You're our only hope of finding a value.
Find them on eBay, or trade for them in the MarketplaceSticker Description |
Luke Skywalker |
Stormtrooper |
C-3PO |
Han & Lando |
Han / Luke on a Taun Taun |
Transfer Description |
R2-D2 |
Chewbacca |
Boba Fett |
Lando Calrissian |
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