Topps - UK - Star Wars Cards Series 2 (1977)

Thanks to Greg for providing some basic updated information on this set.
These cards are basically reprints of the first two series (blue and red) of the Topps US cards. There were no stickers issued with the British sets. The first set of blue cards is identical to the US set, and difficult to distinguish from the US set. The paper it is printed on is slightly lighter however, and the card backs seem lighter when compared to the US cards. The US cards will tend to have more of a gray cast to them. For collectors, a blue set issued in the UK will not be different in any noticeable way from one issued in the US.
The second set of the British cards includes different numbering from the Topps sets. This is the red set of cards. 1a-66a and the pictures are in a different order to the US set. Special thanks to John Larr for providing the checklist below that shows a comparison between the UK series 2 cards and the US series 2 cards.
Card Values
• set value: $30
• unopened box: $75
• single: $0.25 - 0.50
Card Number (UK) | Card Number (US) | Description |
1A | 132 | Lord Vader and a Soldier |
2A | 74 | Luke Skywalker on Tatooine |
3A | 67 | See-Threepio and Luke |
4A | 104 | Luke's Aunt and Uncle |
5A | 90 | Honoring the Victors! |
6A | 102 | Rebels Prepare for the Big Fight! |
7A | 120 | Luke Destroys an Imperial Ship! |
8A | 93 | Stormtroopers Blast the Rebels! |
9A | 129 | "May the Force be With You!" |
10A | 101 | The Wookiee Chewbacca |
11A | 123 | Solo Blasts a Stormtrooper! |
12A | 80 | "Where has R2-D2 Gone?" |
13A | 112 | Threatened by Sand People! |
14A | 114 | Planning to Escape! |
15A | 68 | The Millennium Falcon |
16A | 88 | Stormtroopers Guard Solo's Ship |
17A | 79 | Preparing to Board Solo's Starship! |
18A | 115 | Hiding in the Millennium Falcon! |
19A | 103 | Stormtroopers Attack Our Heroes |
20A | 128 | Roar of the Wookiee! |
21A | 131 | Spectacular Battle! |
22A | 125 | Luke is Disguise! |
23A | 70 | Special Mission for Artoo-Detoo |
24A | 94 | Interrogated by Stormtroopers |
25A | 119 | Threepio, Ben and Luke! |
26A | 105 | Imperial Soldiers Burn Through the Starship! |
27A | 86 | A Mighty Explosion! |
28A | 106 | A Message From Princess Leia! |
29A | 108 | Princess Leia Observes the Battle |
30A | 82 | A Daring Rescue! |
31A | 71 | The Incredible See-Threepio |
32A | 122 | The Millennium Falcon Speeds Through Space! |
33A | 117 | Chewbacca Poses as a Prisoner |
34A | 100 | Our Heroes at the Spaceport |
35A | 110 | Threepio Fools the Guards! |
36A | 72 | Ben Kenobi Rescues Luke! |
37A | 113 | Ben Hides From Imperial Stormtroopers |
38A | 84 | Rebel Pilot Prepares for the Raid! |
39A | 109 | Ben Turns Off the Tractor Beam |
40A | 89 | The Imprisoned Princess Leia |
41A | 118 | R2-D2 and C-3P0 |
42A | 111 | Chewie and Han Solo! |
43A | 87 | The Droids Try to Rescue Luke! |
44A | 99 | Ben with the Light Saber! |
45A | 75 | Darth Vader Strangles a Rebel |
46A | 96 | The Droids on Tatooine |
47A | 126 | A Quizzical Threepio! |
48A | 95 | Sighting Artoo-Detoo! |
49A | 83 | Aboard the Millennium Falcon |
50A | 81 | Weapons of the Death Star |
51A | 73 | The Droids Wait For Luke |
52A | 116 | Honored for Their Heroism! |
53A | 107 | The Tusken Raider |
54A | 124 | Threepio Searches for R2-D2 |
55A | 98 | See-Threepio |
56A | 127 | The Rebel Fleet |
57A | 130 | Pursued by the Jawas |
58A | 85 | Luke on the Sand Planet |
59A | 69 | Threepio's Desert Track |
60A | 77 | Waiting in the Control Room |
61A | 91 | Solo and Chewie Prepare to Leave Luke |
62A | 97 | Meeting at the Cantina |
63A | 121 | Han Solo and Chewbacca |
64A | 78 | Droids to the Rescue |
65A | 76 | Artoo-Detoo on the Rebel Starship! |
66A | 92 | Advance of the Tusken Raider |
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