Help me Obi-Wan, you're our only hope… or anyone else here who is available

    • March 9, 2019 at 10:00 pm #3912

      Revamping the site and trying to keep up with security issues, not to mention everyday life and of course trying to find time to keep up with my own Star Wars card collecting can be at times a bit overwhelming at best….. as this site is a free site and a community for fellow SW card collectors to unite and help each other out, I thought it might be fun to have more of you involved in its overall “well being”… if interested please feel free to message me and together we can help make this site all it can be… 🙂

      it could be as simple as keeping an eye out for spammers n bots, to helping keep up with the endless lists and set descriptions…

      Myself, I have been working on some opening videos to add the set pages, more index cards (hope these are something you guys like/ are interested in), the facebook page [ ], and some more graphics and content for the site. [ insert head exploding like deathstar image. 🙂 ]

      Many thanks!

    • June 10, 2019 at 8:13 am #3960

      How do I report a spammer?

    • June 13, 2019 at 12:50 am #3961

      Message me… it will come up in my email and I will address the issue. 🙂

    • December 23, 2019 at 12:48 am #4028

      I can assist with set descriptions and checklist.
      I have been working on those for about a year now.
      I have also been working on images for each card A little overboard but its a time killer I enjoy.
      I also believe I have sent you some to add in the past.
      I often added them on forums on the old site.
      I recently moved and made life changes and finally able to get back to my hobby I love.
      Let me know Thanks.

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